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Meet Our “Future Leaders” | Striving for Positive Change

Editor’s Note

Meet Our "Future Leaders" 是北京大学光华管理学院“未来领导者”国际本科项目推出的专题系列报道,通过讲述该项目来自全球的学生丰富且多元的故事与思想,展示“未来领导者”项目学生的青春风采。


#Meet Our “Future Leaders” # is a series featuring the personal stories of students in PKU Guanghua’s “Future Leaders” International Undergraduate Program.

Today’s story is Ayelen de Wit Zambrano’s, a young woman committed to creating positive change through leadership and volunteering. With a strong belief in the power of global collaboration, Ayelen will embark on her next endeavor as a Schwarzman Scholar this fall, pursuing a master’s degree in global affairs.

Ayelen de Wit Zambrano


Ayelen de Wit Zambrano has had a unique upbringing, having lived in 9 different countries across 4 continents. She speaks five languages which include English, Spanish, Dutch, French, and Portuguese, while currently working to add Mandarin to the list. Ayelen pursues her bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration from Peking University and International Business from Erasmus University. During her time at Erasmus, she was a member of the Consulting Association, the Honours Program, and the volleyball team. After completing her study in the “Future Leaders” program, she will pursue a Master’s in Global Affairs. In the future, she hopes to have an international leadership position and create positive change around the world.

A Future Global Leader

I founded a microfinancing project while living in Angola. My goal was to empower local Angolan women to start their own businesses. I delivered classes teaching basic financial concepts and entrepreneurial lessons to Angolan women. I also taught them how to utilize microloans in order to start up their businesses. The positive impact on their small businesses was extremely rewarding and I hope to continue the project on a much larger scale in the future.  


Ayelen teaching the Income Statement to Angolan women

This leadership experience has ignited my drive to continue fostering a positive impact in the future through global entrepreneurship, business, and collaboration. In order to explore this passion and further understand the possibilities between the West and East, I made the decision to pursue a Master’s in Global Affairs as a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University. Out of a pool of over 3000 applications, I was selected as one of the exceptional 150 scholars embarking on their studies in the upcoming fall semester.

Striving for International Collaboration

I chose to pursue a Bachelor’s in China because I understand the important role the country plays globally. I truly believe it is vital to understand the Chinese markets in order to reach the full potential of international collaboration. Through understanding Chinese culture and language, international leaders can fully utilize a country’s assets to achieve maximum results. The program gives me a new perspective on China, and through understanding China, I hope to create cross-border collaboration which will help nations prosper together.


Ayelen at PKU campus

The “Future Leaders” Program has allowed me to further develop this knowledge. The program offers a bridge between one’s home culture and China. Aside from the high-quality teaching and mentorship offered, the program gives the opportunity to study alongside excellent peers. This permits students to learn from each other and excel together.


Ayelen and “Future Leaders” classmates in Ibiza

The welcoming environment in the "Future Leaders" community has impressed me a lot. Although I was unable to be in China for the first half of the program, I joined cohort-organized trips in Europe with fellow classmates. Together, we were still able to create strong friendships and close bonds. I also want to highlight the exceptional quality of lectures and professors who are experts in their field. I feel comfortable asking any questions and engaging in discussions with my peers. The assignments are engaging and high-caliber which quickly accelerate my practical knowledge about China.


Ayelen and her classmates enjoy the spring blossom at PKU

Volunteering, Consulting, and Sports

In my spare time, I enjoy several activities. While living in Angola, I enjoyed getting to know the people in local communities and sharing experiences with them. Each Sunday, I volunteered at a local primary school and taught little kids between the ages of 4-8 basic lessons about hygiene, academics, and day-to-day activities. This was very fulfilling to me and I kept up this project for 4 years.


During my time at Erasmus University, I was deeply involved in consulting. I was part of the Case Club, which is a selective student organization training its members to solve real-life business cases. I was selected to compete internationally at three different case competitions. The second year I was also part of the Club’s board, and directed the Marketing & Recruitment while gaining various leadership skills.


Ayelen and her team at the ROCA Case Competition

I also enjoy sports. At Erasmus, I was part of the women’s volleyball team which competed around the country. The experience was very rewarding.  Lastly, I enjoy hanging out with friends. I am a very outgoing person and enjoy social activities with others.


Ayelen and her volleyball teammates in the Netherlands

PKU Guanghua “Future Leaders” Program

The Guanghua School of Management founded the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Double-Degree Program in partnership with 14 of the world’s best business schools, giving students the opportunity to gain an understanding of their local markets while also immersing them in one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic economies in the world: China. This program focuses on admitting top students with outstanding leadership potential from Peking University and its partner institutions. After completing their first two years of study at the institution in their home country, students live and study together with classmates of diverse backgrounds from all over the world—including students from China—for two more years as a single cohort at Peking University.